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Cleanzone Business

Good reasons to participate

You would like to exhibit at Cleanzone 2022? Here you will find all the important information.

Who meets at the Cleanzone?

Visiter at Cleanzone

Cleanzone networks suppliers of cleanroom- and cleanliness technology with decision-makers and technicians from the industry from more than 40 countries.

As a cross-sectional trade fair, Cleanzone covers all relevant application industries that manufacture in cleanrooms and clean areas today and in the future.

This makes Cleanzone the international hub of cleanroom and clean technology for the world's most important growing markets of the future.

New at Cleanzone 2022 are:

  • Hall concept: layout according to product areas based on the industrial process steps / optimised overall view for visitors
  • Sharpened visitor profile: targeted approach to technical specialists and managers from production management / process / quality and hygiene management
  • More international visitor contacts as a result of Cleanzone digital 2020
  • New visitor contacts through professional modern lead generation
  • Welcoming exhibitors on social media
  • Open conference programme for all visitors
  • Beautiful new open café area in Hall 1.2 with window to the city
  • New event cycle from 2022 every 2 years

Visitor target groups / application industries

Cleanzone addresses specialists and managers from the following professional fields:

  • Production Planners / Architects
  • General Managers
  • Building managers for smart infrastructure and building automation
  • Production / Process Managers + Engineers
  • Quality Managers
  • Hygiene Managers
  • Purchasing Agents
  • Facility Managers for industrial plants

Cleanzone addresses specialists and managers from the following professional fields:

  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Bio-technology
  • Chemical industry, analytics, cosmetics
  • Healthcare
  • Food technology
  • Surface- and polymer technology
  • Micro-electronic + Micro-system technology
  • Optical + laser technology
  • Aerospace technology
  • Automotive industry
Pharmazeutische Industrie
Chemische Industrie / Analytik / Kosmetik
Oberflächen- und Kunststofftechnik
Mikroelektronik / Mikrosystemtechnik
Optik und Lasertechnologie
Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik

Top ten visiting countries

  1. Germany
  2. Austria
  3. Switzerland
  4. Spain
  5. Netherlands
  6. Great Britain
  7. Turkey
  8. Czech republic
  9. Italy
  10. Japan

Facts and Figures Cleanzone 2019

Facts + Figures Cleanzone 2019
Facts + Figures Cleanzone 2019
Facts + Figures Cleanzone 2019
Facts + Figures Cleanzone 2019
Facts + Figures Cleanzone 2019
Facts + Figures Cleanzone 2019

Full media presence

Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report
Cleanzone Media Value Report

What else can you expect at Cleanzone?

Cleanzone offers an exciting conference programme and top themes. Exhibitors can submit their innovations in the field of purity technology for the annual Cleanzone Award.

Cleanzone Award 2022

Cleanzone Award Gewinner

Apply now for Cleanzone Award 2022! The award honours pioneering advances in the field of cleanroom technology for their innovation, sustainability and efficiency.

New digital services for your year-round visibility on

You can find more digital advertising options here.

Cleanzone Business

Intention to exhibit

Present your innovations and secure your place at Cleanzone 2022. Register now directly.

Any questions? I will be happy to help you

Anja Diete

Show Director Cleanzone / Brand Management Cleanroom Technologies

Anja Diete