During Cleanzone, the renowned Cleanzone Award will be presented together with our partner Wiley Corporate Solutions and its trade publication ‘ReinRaumTechnik’.
These are the nominees and the winner of the Cleanzone Award 2024. Information on the application process and jury will be announced in good time for the next event.

The Cleanzone Award is aimed at companies, organisations, scientific institutions and individuals worldwide. It honours pioneering advances in innovation, automation, sustainability and efficiency in the field of cleanroom technology. These concepts will be presented during Cleanzone. The best concept will be selected by the trade fair audience. The Cleanzone Award will be presented at Cleanzone on 26. September 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. The winner will receive a cheque for 3,000.00 euros from Cleanzone media partner "ReinRaumTechnik,".
The application deadline has expired.
Nominated for Cleanzone Award 2024:
- Dastex and DITF (German Institute for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf) with ReBa² Test Method for Determination of Bacterial Penetration of Cleanroom Garment Materials – A new test method for cleanroom garments
Dastex and DITF (German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf) present the ReBa² test method. ReBa² stands for Realistic Bacterial Barrier and makes it possible to determine the bacterial permeability of cleanroom garment textiles. The new biological method represents a significant improvement in terms of realistic loads and high flexibility compared to previous test methods.
- Elis Cleanroom with ElisAir – Aseptic garment system for sterile environments
ElisAir is an integrated aseptic garment system for sterile environments. It is a fully enclosed garment concept that completely covers the skin, ensures a controlled air supply, reduces up to 80% CO2 in the suit, allows the use of personal eyewear and maximises comfort and safety for the wearer.
- ICA with HERO21 – Disinfection by robot
The HEealth RObot for the 21st Century, the HERO21, is an autonomous, mobile UV-C disinfection robot that combines the extensively researched benefits of UV-C technology with the advantages of mobile robotics. The entire disinfection process is significantly faster compared to manual disinfection. Risk areas can be specifically irradiated for longer. In addition, the HERO21 improves the disinfection quality and increases the disinfection area.
- La Vision with Smokeless Smoke Testing in Cleanrooms with FlowBOS – Smoke-free smoke testing in cleanrooms
The FlowBOS camera from La Vision enables airflow tests without smoke. It avoids contamination from residues as it uses a neutral gas instead of smoke. This significantly reduces cleaning costs and avoids production downtime.
- UVMedico with The UV Booth – The UV cabin
UV Medico's UV booth allows fully clothed operators to enter the cleanroom without microbial contamination of gowns, masks, goggles, gloves and other equipment. With a completely touchless interface, operators can enter the UV booth and activate it effortlessly to initiate a quick and efficient decontamination process.
- Viality in cooperation with MyCleanroom with Mixed Reality (MR) Cleaning – Mixed reality: cleaning with the help of VR glasses
The "Mixed Reality (MR) Cleaning" system from viality in cooperation with myCleanroom combines the advantages of virtual and augmented reality. VR glasses make certain areas visible to the user, which can be used in the context of cleaning in active daily routines. The visualisation raises users' awareness of infection risks and enables them to clean correctly and effectively. The system can be used in day-to-day and training situations.
These companies have also submitted exciting projects:
- CWS Cleanrooms Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
- Fumex GmbH
- Hein Reinraum GmbH
- Hydroflex Group GmbH
- ISO14644 / Hasim Solmaz / ICCCS
- MyCellHub NV
- Universal Disinfection
Cleanroom Award Jury

Egon Buchta
Ingenieurbüro & Reinraumservice Egon Buchta GmbH

Anja Diete
Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH

Dr.-Ing. Roy T. Fox
Wiley Corporate Solutions

Josef Ortner
Ortner Reinraumtechnik GmbH

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schmid
Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen
Award winner 2024

Dastex and DITF (German Institute for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf) with ReBa² Test Method for Determination of Bacterial Penetration of Cleanroom Garment Materials – A new test method for cleanroom garments
Dastex and DITF (German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf) present the ReBa² test method. ReBa² stands for Realistic Bacterial Barrier and makes it possible to determine the bacterial permeability of cleanroom garment textiles. The new biological method represents a significant improvement in terms of realistic loads and high flexibility compared to previous test methods.
Award winner review
Cleanzone Award winner
reinraummieten: Cleanroom rental
The project provides temporary, individually configurable cleanrooms.
Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V. (TITV Greiz), Ortner Reinraumtechnik GmbH and Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin AG Photobiophysik: Textiles that is only 100 nanometres thick. This coating shields them against things such as cyanobacteria and moulds.
Friedrich Sailer: Hygienic Design Magnet – Magnetic Mounting Solution for Cleanrooms
Cleanroom Award winner
KEK: Besonders leicht faltbarer Inspektionswagen für Reinräume
Berendsen: Innovation „Connected Cleanroom Application“
Adriatic Institute of Technology: Mobile Reinraumeinheit „Shellbe“
InfraSolution: RobotScanFlex, einen automatisierten Filterintegritätstest
Intial Textil: Reinraumanzug „CleanVision“
Laborial: Blautouch, interaktiver Werktisch für Labore, Reinräume und kritische Bereiche des Krankenhauses
Technology of Sense: APMON - Erweiterter Echtzeit-Partikel-Monitor