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Cleanzone 2024: The entire world of cleanrooms

23 Sep 2024

From cleanroom planning to building technology, from devices and equipment to clothing and consumables – Cleanzone covers the entire spectrum of cleanroom technology again on 25 and 26 September 2024 in Frankfurt am Main. Visitors from all over the world are expected to attend. A highly informative conference programme and the presentation of an innovation award will round off the event.

On 25 and 26 September, the cleanroom community will meet for the 10th time at Cleanzone, the international trade fair for cleanroom and cleanliness technology, hygiene and contamination control, in Frankfurt am Main. 77 exhibitors from 16 countries will present their innovations. Almost 35 per cent of the exhibitors come from abroad. In addition to Germany, the countries Switzerland, Great Britain and Italy are strongly represented. The trade fair is primarily aimed at the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnology, chemical industry, healthcare, medical technology, food technology, plastics technology, microsystems technology, optics, aerospace and the automotive sector.

Visitors are expected from the German host country as well as from countries including the Netherlands, Türkiye, Switzerland, Ireland, the UK, Austria, the Czech Republic, Jordan, Taiwan, China and Malaysia.

“There is practically no industry in which cleanrooms are not being used, be it in pharmaceutical or semiconductor production or in laboratories in outer space”, explains Wolfgang Marzin, President and CEO of Messe Frankfurt. “And the industry is growing. Our exhibitors confirm this and it is also backed up by market research. The market for cleanroom technology is expected to grow annually by more than six per cent until 2030. That's why we are proud to offer the industry a unique international platform here in Frankfurt with Cleanzone. We are looking forward to two days full of innovations and exciting networking”.

The Highlights at Cleanzone:

Top-Themes of Cleanzone

Together with industry experts, the Cleanzone team identified the trends on the agenda for the industry in the run-up to the trade fair. ‘Technology and innovation for a wide range of applications’ is one of the top themes at the trade fair. Artificial intelligence plays a major role here, as do digitalisation, material innovations and new technical details. Other top themes are ‘energy efficiency and sustainability’ and ‘training, lifelong learning and qualifications’.

Cleanzone on 25 and 26 September 2024 in Frankfurt is expecting visitors from all over the world. Source: Messe Frankfurt
Cleanzone on 25 and 26 September 2024 in Frankfurt is expecting visitors from all over the world. Source: Messe Frankfurt

Cleanzone Conference

The Cleanzone Conference focuses on these key industry trends and, in addition to the highlights from the exhibiting companies, sets a professional focus. The range of presentations is extensive and offers visitors the opportunity for personal development and professional dialogue.

The first day of the conference is organised by Messe Frankfurt together with the Vogel Communication Group. It includes a keynote speech by Gernod Dittel entitled ‘Cleanrooms - applications of the future’, a presentation by Friedrich Seeger-von Klitzing from Yukon Projects on the topic of ‘Integrated project management’ and the future topics of robotics (presentation by Rudolf M. Weiss on ‘Robots in aseptic production’) and virtual reality (presentation by Ed Butler on the ‘Use of VR to optimise product and cleanroom production’). The topics range from the food industry, semiconductors and biosafety laboratories to cell therapies and antibiotic production.

The second day of the conference programme this year has been arranged by the ICCCS International Confederation of Contamination Control Societies. Among other things, the programme will focus on new standards such as Annex 1 (presentation by Hasim Solmaz on ‘New GMP Annex 1 + Contamination Control Strategy’) and ISO 14644-4 (presentation by Frans Saurwalt on the latest developments). In addition, Conor Murray from 3dimension Cleanrooms will highlight the ‘Global challenges for cleanrooms in energy management’. The full conference programme is available at .

The presentations can be followed live at the Cleanzone Conference in Hall 1. The conference will be held in English and is included in the entrance fee. In addition to the conference, Cleanroom Future Masterclasses and exhibitor presentations round off the trade fair's professional supporting programme.

Visitors and exhibitors are also cordially invited to the Cleanzone Happy Hour from 5 p.m. in the Cleanzone Bistro.


Innovations are right at the top of the industry's agenda. They form the basis for further development and growth. Together with Wiley-Verlag and its publication ‘ReinRaumTechnik’, Cleanzone supports companies in their endeavours to introduce innovations to the market and has been presenting the Cleanzone Award since 2012. This year, six submissions have been nominated for the award, including a new test method for cleanroom garments, a method for testing airflows without smoke, an aseptic garment system for sterile environments, disinfection by robot, a UV cabin and cleaning with the help of VR glasses.

The nominees will present their concepts in detail on 25 September 2024 from 14:00 to 15:00 hrs in the Cleanzone Conference area and in an exhibition at the trade fair.

The award ceremony will take place on 26 September from 13:10 to 14:15 hrs.

[1] Basis: Data Bridge Market Research + Global Market Insight

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Cleanzone, international trade fair for cleanroom and cleanliness technology, hygiene and contamination control. The event Cleanzone will be held on 25 and 26 September 2024.

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Jutta Monden

Media Relations Manager

Jutta Monden

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