The range of ideas and topics that were entered is wide: they include new approaches that integrate virtual reality, that rely on robotics and environmentally friendly measurement methods or new clothing and testing systems. In its assessments, the jury paid particular attention to aspects such as the degree of innovation, the impact on the development of the industry and deviations from conventional ideas.
"We have never had so many applicants as this year. And the quality and diversity of the submissions has also increased again compared to previous years," comments a delighted Anja Diete, Director of Cleanzone. "The award promotes innovation in a sector that, as a pioneer of dynamic high-tech industries, must constantly offer new solutions."
"What was particularly impressive about this year's submissions was not only the large number but also the wide variety of innovations," added Professor Dr Andreas Schmid, jury member and Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences at Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences. "Innovation drives cleanroom technology forward and makes it possible to fulfil the highest standards of cleanliness and efficiency. In this context, the Cleanzone Award is very valuable, as it emphasises new and pioneering solutions for the industry."
The nominees are:
- La Vision with Smokeless Smoke Testing in Cleanrooms with FlowBOS
- Dastex and DITF (German Institute for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf) with ReBa² Test Method for Determination of Bacterial Penetration of Cleanroom Garment Materials
- Elis Cleanroom with ElisAir
- ICA with HERO21
- Viality in cooperation with MyCleanroom with Mixed Reality (MR) Cleaning
- UVMedico with The UV Booth
Smoke-free smoke testing in cleanrooms
The FlowBOS camera from La Vision enables airflow tests without smoke. It avoids contamination from residues as it uses a neutral gas instead of smoke. This significantly reduces cleaning costs and avoids production downtime.
A new test method for cleanroom garments
Dastex and DITF (German Institutes for Textile and Fibre Research Denkendorf) present the ReBa² test method. ReBa² stands for Realistic Bacterial Barrier and makes it possible to determine the bacterial permeability of cleanroom garment textiles. The new biological method represents a significant improvement in terms of realistic loads and high flexibility compared to previous test methods.
Aseptic garment system for sterile environments
ElisAir is an integrated aseptic garment system for sterile environments. It is a fully enclosed garment concept that completely covers the skin, ensures a controlled air supply, reduces up to 80% CO2 in the suit, allows the use of personal eyewear and maximises comfort and safety for the wearer.
Disinfection by robot
The HEealth RObot for the 21st Century, the HERO21, is an autonomous, mobile UV-C disinfection robot that combines the extensively researched benefits of UV-C technology with the advantages of mobile robotics. The entire disinfection process is significantly faster compared to manual disinfection. Risk areas can be specifically irradiated for longer. In addition, the HERO21 improves the disinfection quality and increases the disinfection area.
Mixed reality - cleaning with the help of VR glasses
The "Mixed Reality (MR) Cleaning" system from viality in cooperation with myCleanroom combines the advantages of virtual and augmented reality. VR glasses make certain areas visible to the user, which can be used in the context of cleaning in active daily routines. The visualisation raises users' awareness of infection risks and enables them to clean correctly and effectively. The system can be used in day-to-day and training situations.
The UV cabin
UV Medico's UV booth allows fully clothed operators to enter the cleanroom without microbial contamination of gowns, masks, goggles, gloves and other equipment. With a completely touchless interface, operators can enter the UV booth and activate it effortlessly to initiate a quick and efficient decontamination process.

The Cleanzone Award jury
The jury is made up of members from the fields of research and academic institutions as well as representatives from industry:
- Egon Buchta, Managing Director of Ingenieurbüro & Reinraumservice Egon Buchta GmbH
- Dr Roy Fox, Editor-in-Chief of the trade journal ReinRaumTechnik
- Josef Ortner, owner of Ortner Reinraumtechnik GmbH
- Prof Dr Andreas Schmid, Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences at Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences, and
- Anja Diete, Show Director of Cleanzone.
About the award
The Cleanzone Award honours the best ideas for innovation, sustainability and energy efficiency in cleanroom technology. Companies, organisations, research institutions and individuals were invited to submit their ideas. A jury of five experts selected six nominees from all the submissions. These will present their ideas to the trade public on 25 September from 2 to 3 p.m. in the Cleanzone Conference area. Visitors to the trade fair can also find out about the special features of the innovations in an exhibition at the trade fair. The specialist audience will select the winner from the six new developments, which will also be awarded at the Cleanzone Conference on 26 September from 1 to 2 pm. The winner will receive a cheque for 3,000 euros from ReinRaumTechnik, the trade publication of Wiley-Verlag and media partner of Cleanzone.
There are six nominees this year. The favourites were so close together that it was not possible to limit the list to five in order to do justice to all the innovations.
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Cleanzone, international trade fair for cleanroom and cleanliness technology, hygiene and contamination control. The event Cleanzone will be held on 25 and 26 September 2024.
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